Fight :I
She had the higher ground AND was on-top of me. .And still looked worse. .
{_𝐘𝐋𝐋_} And even still you’re being nice and called it a tie.
Nah she a big walking L from the start
A waste of 9-month time in the womb, and as well as a further waste of oxygen, food, water and other resources that could’ve been used for the better
Mind you. .I wasn't even planning on fighting her. .Even if we didn't, we'd STILL have too see each other in 8th, 7th, AND 3rd period. .She caught me incredibly off-guard as I didn't even have my hands up :Face_Palm:
{_𝐘𝐋𝐋_} her fighting capabilities crashed harder than the economy during the great depression after this one
unfair ass fight means you automatically won, plus she looked worse? girl. please. those people have no clue how the fuck fighting works. second of all, if you’re gonna fight someone, at least be fair (i had my own experience with this this week). plus wtf is with hair pulling and females now
(context, not important part)
if you haven’t watched demon slayer, in the Mugen train movie after Akaza (Upper Moon 3, or in simpler terms, 3rd strongest demon in the series) killed Rengoku the Flame Hashira (A Hashira is the highest ranking member of the Demon Core, the strongest slayers) just to immediately run from the fight without actually finishing Rengoku because the sun was rising and sunlight kills demons.
(relevant part)
the MC, Tanjiro, chased after this demon who easily could’ve killed him, and since Akaza was too fast, he threw his sword and from the long distance, actually somehow penetrated through Akaza’s chest. being a demon this obviously didn’t severely harm or kill Akaza, but that wasn’t the relevant part; he yelled after Akaza, “Don’t run you coward [blah blah blah] we fight you at night where you have the advantage and Rengoku did not run from you, you didn’t win the fight, he did” even if Rengoku died that early morning
if someone fights you where they cause it while having the advantage, they are a coward, not a winner.
PLEASEEEE the amount of people saying "You got an ass-whooping" is crazy. .Cause she barely hit me. .Majority of her hits were at my hair :Sob:
{_𝐘𝐋𝐋_} Ah yes, because the hair is the most crucial part to take a swing at on your opponent’s body, not their actual important limbs like their chest and arms and legs
{_𝐘𝐋𝐋_} ok so a fight. if she looks worse you won. if you took no damage you won. you didnt get no ass-whooping. now i say beat her ass if you know how to fight. bc thats what i did with a girl in my old school she grabbed me and hit me so i ragged her around by her hair and beat the shit out of her. lets just say she left school with messy ass hair, bruised and a broken nose bleeding. i left school getting praised by my parents.
Ah yes. .You hit someone's hair and all of sudden you're a WWE fighter
pull a mike tyson