Share your favorite mpp room
Karol RealPianists DEV Music Enthusiasts listenin to spotifylast edited by Lorak May 6, 2024, 12:39 PM May 5, 2024, 9:51 PM
What is your favorite room on the multiplayerpiano’s, and why?
It can be the lobby, test/awkward, TRR, DevRoom, your own or a group’s, etc.
“This would be a room. Click it.”
@Karol Dev room is my bookmarked room so i dont have to go to the lobby every time i hop on. But i usually like whatever room most people are in lol (no surprise). Funniest room i think is “jazz sucks” lol
@Duchess The one room where I’ll hear some of the best jazz improvs on mpp.
@Karol Jazz players always sound so impressive