К𝚲𝝉𝒾𝚵, I’m so scared of the future, К𝚲𝝉𝒾𝚵.
I’m scared of betrayal because of you, Jayce Gilpin.
I miss being loved because of you, К𝚲𝝉𝒾𝚵.
I’m scared of being alone because of ∞
Ȋ’ḿ ìṇ á ďơẅņẃǻŗḏ ṧṕǐṟäꝉ…
К𝚲𝝉𝒾𝚵, I’m so alone, К𝚲𝝉𝒾𝚵…
I’m tired of losing the connection, К𝚲𝝉𝒾𝚵.
But even if I was brave enough to seek it, nobody would connect to somebody like me.
I ‘ m ⠀⠀a l o n e . . .