Will I regret this?
Karol Imagine
@Your_Local_Sun_Or_Yuta How am I supposed to cope with this??? :(
Karol You have to live with It. You didn’t do It In time. Now you have to face the consequences. :)
@Your_Local_Sun_Or_Yuta What time?
Karol Forever.
@Your_Local_Sun_Or_Yuta Regret and I, mHmmm we shall see.
Regret and I, we shall see! AAAAAAAH HA HA HA HA HA HA!
Come on move it, I got better things to do to advance some good progress.
Karol The smirk Is killing me 💀
@Your_Local_Sun_Or_Yuta Why yes
Karol Nahh, Jit think he the main characterrr. That’s craazyyy 💀