time to get fucking attacked LMFAO
Tom holland is hot
He’s not bad looking
@Bandit EXACTLY people keep saying he’s ugly as FUCK
@Bandit it’s bandit
@Poptart_Yeeter HOW? He’s adorable lmao-
It’s hilarious listening to this man swear- -
@Poptart_Yeeter he’s ugly as fuck lmao
@Bandit Unrelated, but when i first met you, i thought you were a man
@Your-Local-Ghostface-Simp LMFAO
Uh, no. I stick by the people who say he’s ugly. Guy is 28 but looks like he’s 50.
@Poptart_Yeeter bandit gets that alot - I thought the same too
Paranoid_Pessimist people used to think i was a girl, so
@Poptart_Yeeter same
@Poptart_Yeeter you give off girls vibes
Paranoid_Pessimist Because I’m zesty
@Poptart_Yeeter as fuck
Paranoid_Pessimist HoW dId YoU kNoW
@Poptart_Yeeter observation