yo help
mom found out about discord and my porn addiction, im fucked.
if she finds out about my discord messages im gonna sobon the other hand i think it’s a good idea for her to know so i told them everything but now my dad will know soon and it’ll be bad :<
i executed order 66 on my ipad and iphone from moms and signed my google account off them because theyre gonna turn them in anyway. if they find out then see yall in the other side gang
EDIT: my dad knows, but hey at least i passed my second math test
Lara im using a school fucking computer so
+ security might have been alerted
If you can read this, you're gay.
i got groomed
Lara . okay now i’m curious explain in dms
the biggest oop of all time holy shit. sending hope as another fellow with an “addiction”
Flip Ditcher plus i have an online gf :(
Lara wait, porn addiction??
“if they find out then see yall in the other side gang”
Do you mean that if that happens you wont be here anymore? Damn…
Wubbrle the amazing Wubble i mean mainly on discord and roblox but ig online, yeah
ps. my dad found out :(
Lara does she know???
Flip Ditcher yus