It was my borfdai yesterday- :]
@Your-Local-Ghostface-Simp Happy
sorta latebirthday !! -
@Your-Local-Ghostface-Simp Literally spend the 3 minutes figuring out what you meant my borfdai and now i realized it meant birthday
happy birthday
Wubbrle the Wubble... lmao yeah, I did a silly
But thanketh :] -
@your_just_a_pun_to_put_it_politely thanketh!! :]
@Your-Local-Ghostface-Simp You’re welcome !!
happy late birf day
@Your-Local-Ghostface-Simp Happy birthday! :)
𝜗𝜚 rylie tyy!! :]]
Shazz_ ty shazz!! :] <33
@Your-Local-Ghostface-Simp yw!! <3
Happy late birthday bestie
@Your-Local-Ghostface-Simp Happy birthday!! Hope you have many more great ones to come. <3
@oopstheregoesmyex tyyyy <333
(I love this pic, I’m glad someone else knows about it-) -
@Phantom Thanks goober- :] <33 'preciate-
@Soggy_Bread tyy soggy!! <33
@Your-Local-Ghostface-Simp happ birf :>
@Your_Local_Grey_Simp im sorry I’m so late-
@Your_Local_Grey_Simp imagin-
@Your_Local_Grey_Simp thank