Don't look at this post if you don't give a shit
Today was a perfect day… I had gotten enough sleep, watched a new movie, and used the stove without guidance for the first time…
… But the end hurt.
Someone said something which caused the entire day to go downhill, and now I’m sitting in the dark crying.
If anyone needs me, which you won’t- I’ll be afk on mpp. mention me if anything happens. -
@Can-tFindGod Oh I’m so sorry! What did they say?
@FinnyWinny If I post it here they may see.
@Can-tFindGod You can DM me it- I care
@Misty Who may see? Me?
Goofbread🍌😸 no bro
@Misty Mm, ok
Goofbread🍌😸 I was talking about tailsko
@Misty oh