Lemme jus say something
Lemme just say this, I have tried really hard to be really nice to ppl! But when I am nice ppl have been taking advantage of it. I’m really trying to become a better person,but sometimes people make it harder to do that. Like how i changed my name, i love my name Izzy,but i wanted to change it. But i got so much hate on my new name and i just changed it like a couple hours ago. And with my profile picture, People are calling me names just because it’s a boy? I honestly can’t even understand why people are so mean. Again, i have been trying to be nice, but people keep saying there sad,and i try to ask them what happened and of course they don’t have to tell me,but if someone would just tell me,i could really help.
But yea that all i wanted to say. -
Stop letting other people control you. Be mean when you need to be, thats how you get respect.
Bri I support you and your new name. Also, in my mind your new pfp is quite cool!! Some people on here are just jerks, we need more wholesome people on here, so thank you for your kind words of wanting to be nicer
. I wish more people on this site were like that.
bri is a cute name and tbh i rlly like ur pfp