Why does nobody ever talk to me?
jun I’m just excited to have 2 sometimes… then I find out it’s just people I follow posting.
im not good with talking to people
@quirked-up-white-boy I’m not usually talked to, man.
@Misty I don’t think I’ve talked to you that much honestly, I should probably spread my range of sociality because I really love to talk : )
My bad for not stopping by and conversing a little bit - and you’re not boring.
Morning everyone! -
Shazz_ It’s alright, and you don’t have to start now.
Ŵølƒy_Hellhøund_Likes_Pizza Hello.
@Misty Hru?
Ŵølƒy_Hellhøund_Likes_Pizza Everything hurts, you?
well you shouldnt wait for someone to message you you should take the first leap.
@Misty its my b-day but it dont feel like it
Ŵølƒy_Hellhøund_Likes_Pizza Happy birthday, wolfy. I know how it feels.
It seems like everyone wants people to talk to them, but no one wants to initiate conversation first.
@Misty just that you never really talk much yourself, we don’t have anything to talk to you about lmao
@Duchess I try to.
jun I post about tomodachi life constantly.
@Misty maybe we don’t like tomodachi life like you do? :0
jun Why not? It has moments like this
@Misty thank u
@Misty I think you’re joking about the toma-whoda-gotcha-macha. But I get people not talking to you might feel lonely. The only solution is to talk to others though, and furthermore, expand your talking points to more than one interest you have. You attract friends by taking interest in what others like as well : )