me and the boys in my last period art class were laughing at the sped kid for 30 minutes straight
hello 2
RE: hello 2
alright, let’s do this.
okay, with all due respect to the both of y’all, i’m still gonna be laughing and think it’s funny because, one, i still got PLENTY of time before i have to worry about shit like laughing at an ec kid bruh and having it end up fucking with any career, and two, because i just happen to have a stupid and fucked up sense of humor. i’m about as long as edp when he finally got caught (although not to THAT extent) and i just happen to find fucked up shit funny. sorry not sorry if you were offended. any other complaints will be tossed in the image below:
RE: hello 2
Flip Ditcher and one of my other friends in my 3rd period gym class got touched by another sped kid
RE: Lil bro sounding like he's having a stroke...😭
@Poptart_Yeeter ok well ur mom told you to stop being such a no nipple neanderthal
RE: not directed any anyone in particular bc its just a general statement
@Your_Local_Grey_Simp fweh
RE: guys guess what
Wubbrle the Wubble grunkle stunkel wins the funkle bunkle