We miss our grandparents

RE: Why I dont often post about myself.
Ah yes, let’s just argue with the wise words from someone who knew what they were saying and then proceed to tell them to fuck off and imply that we don’t need that person here. How nice coming from an administrator
RE: is this satire or what😭
Blud does not know how to add reverb to music.
Also this is pretty much satire, you can already tell by the beginning.
Poem :)
Λαμπερές αναπνοές κάτω από το φως της σοφίας
Μια μπάλα ατελείωτου πόνου, που σέρνεται στο βάθος
Μια σφαίρα ατελείωτου πόνου, τώρα έφτασε στο τέλος της
Ήταν εδώ και τώρα έφυγε
Ο πόνος έφτασε στο τέλος του
Η καρδιά μου άρχισε να χτυπά ξανά, με το βλέμμα στο μέλλον και τη μοίρα. -
RE: "Quince dresses look better on-"
I really don’t know any Mexican culture but I gotta agree that other people need to respect different cultures
RE: My favorite people! [Part 2!]
Wubbrle the Wubble... Finally someone who knows that I exist. Thank you