my brother almost burned down the house
Alright so he gave me and my 2 younger sisters hotdog in ramen. But he went to make himself an egg. The smoke alarm went off and so then, i had to check what was happening and there was fire on the pan, The egg was burnt, And he kept yelling “GO SIT DOWN!!” And I Just, I’m Just Sick of it. We Are trying to get money to move out, not get money but burn the house down. It’s seriously annoying, We barely even have eggs left. He could have just had ramen with us.
I just currently have headphones on. I Will Update Everyone What Happened. 🫶
Idk if this should go in The Stories Category Or The Vent Category.
Edit: He made himself 2 more eggs. And The pan looks like it’s burnt through.
Edit 2: We could have died. This is like the 2nd-3rd-4th time he almost burned down the house.
Edit 3: Our Mom And Dad Are out making money with our older sister.