I'll Make a Gacha OC With your Favorite Colors :>
@Nova-1 You fool. I made it.
@Nova-1 I sent it to you twice.
purple pink yellow
Emma ray ?
sorry im just being weird UnU
Emma ray uh… ok.
tf is this topic now
Emma ray I need a gender and Species.
@nova-2 I already Made you one.
@nova-2 I already Made you An Oc.
@nova-2 Yes.
@nova-2 it’s fine. you’re welcome.
@Former-Uesr You were rushing Blank so it’d have been better off for them to not make yours
ㅤ Also, just thought I’d let you know, Jun requested, but I’m sure that was back when you had him temporarily blocked.
Only two colors had he requested, being pale green and white
@Sen-the-shitass what colors, what Gender, and what species did He ask for I probably didn’t see it.
ㅤ Sorry for late response, been hella busy. Pale green and white. I don’t think a gender was specified, but of all things his gay ass would probably choose male.
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