I doo now how to spel I’m in kinder garden
Bruh, No u dont
When you Ment to put know. u put now and u said doo instead of do lo
Yor speling is worst then mine
me watching this topic be like:
popcorn crunch -
Oh no, it’s not. My, Spelling is way better than yours Because I learned how to spell when I was 4. So, Don’t be talking about my spelling. Your, The one that needs to learn how to spell
Waaa 😫
yeah, you’re spelling is fine
It’s your grammer you need to worry 'bout -
Yoou Aer Macking me cry Waa 😩
I ran out of up votes for the day. This thread was funny :)
@Tsunamii She Deserves 2 Get Cancelled
This is So Kiddish
im bored
Potato omfg itz u the potato who gave me moldy lays -.-
@Bruh-What-Happend idk, im the potato from potatoland
Potato stfu with ur potatoland -_-
@Bruh-What-Happend idk why everyone hates my country, it’s really cool