When you first met me, what were your thoughts about me?
@That-One-Dead-Man Half the people that meet me think that, it’s called judging a book by the cover and the book being almost exactly what you thought, but you turned out to actually like it
@YourLocalPetOwner @Yourlocalwizard @3nopenottoday, I want yall to answer this.
@Creati132 NEVER
@3nopenottoday ANSWER
@Creati132 okay so when we first started talking i obviously wasn’t myself i was acting less dramatic and way less hyper than i am now…but when we first got on our first call together i realized that you were a crazy bish just like me so when we really became friends (before we became besties) i loved you more and moreeee so yeah-
I thought you were the class pet and you were annoying -
@Creati132 Ngl I thought you would be a pick me-
@YourLocalPetOwner T^T
@Creati132 true but like when i did first meet you your personality was like a bit crazy and hyper but now i know you more so your personality doesnt bother me. and your like a really good person so that brings your personality into my liking :]
But now I met youYour funny and caring and
Still a little annoying -
i wouldn’t say “met,” but when i first saw you make the account i was like “another fucking random ass stranger ”
@Creati132 potato lover
@Creati132 energetic asf =v=
@Creati132 that u create drama creati
@Creati132 finally, someone who isn’t reincarnated from hell
I thought nothing
i hate to say this but i thought u was a pick me
@Creati132 i thought u were the average at first preppy user that eventually changed to talk like a normal human
@Creati132 a cool dumbass like me
and u are -
i thought and still think you’re an anonymous human being roaming around on the internet.