which one?
cyber spacenether I just started playing osu so sorry :(
@h4lfiew3ird SO BRO DOESNT HAVE 2 YEAR EXP?!?!??!
@h4lfiew3ird u look ike hassbula
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No. lmao
im going to test something out rq
cyber spacenether what are you going to test
@h4lfiew3ird checking out what map
cyber spacenether wdym what map
@h4lfiew3ird beatmaps???
cyber spacenether oh nvm
@h4lfiew3ird had a pretty good run then i forgot z and x buttons existed
cyber spacenether what do the z and x buttons do
@h4lfiew3ird its basically like m1 but better
cyber spacenether idk what that is
@h4lfiew3ird most idiot osu player
cyber spacenether sorry*