what are u listening to?
king for a day- pierce the veil
Liszt’s 10th Etude at the moment writing (by Shazz_ 's recommendation): https://open.spotify.com/track/34pnSoWVqIHACaVYQ6eXGv?si=96c80979e4bc4941
Top two looped from the past few days:
-Hudson Holland’s The New Era or Waltz of the Rain.
-Colton Dixon’s Never Gone or Build a Boat (ft. Gabby).
-Actually, entire albums from both composers/artists mentioned. -
@catboybees_ The pretender by Foo Fighters
@Angel-Dust ASS?
@catboybees_ im about to put on some msm fan islands and clubboxes cuz drawing
kitkatgirlie yes ofc
@Angel-Dust a s s 👍
kitkatgirlie thicc ass
@Angel-Dust real
kitkatgirlie yesss
@Angel-Dust ngl thats a thicc ass >v>