What time do you folks go to bed?
@Michi4959 never
Whenever I can sleep. Which is, never.
I don’t like to sleep, because when I do, I’m awake enough to process sadness and emptiness. However, when I DON’T sleep, I’m too tired to focus on emotions and such, since I get that tunnel-visioned after an all-nighter.
Montag-Freitag: 00:00 AM or before
Samstag-Sonntag: only thing I can say, before 04:00 AM
1am-3am, really depends on how much coffee i drink and how tired i am
Depends on if I’m sad or not, last night it was around 4:30am but the night before it was 11pm
The time, with a standard deviation between hours.
i sleep in the day and night like a cat