Body dysmorphia kicks ass.
kitkatgirlie *comits arson to the part of des’ brain that thought she was ugly
kitkatgirlie OMG YES
kitkatgirlie YAAASSSSSSSS
If it helps, you can get surgery to decrease their size when you’re older
@Namira I’ve seriously thought about it-a family friend got one, and she says it really helped. Besides, it doesn’t have to be a major reduction either-
Oh my god, I feel this post. I don’t care if it’s from four days ago, I feel it.
@Prime-Minister I’m glad someone else feels my pain, no matter how unfortunate it may be
@just-a-fkn-reaper-3-0 My own body problems lead me into Anorexia Nervosa, I hope you never slip into that stuff. The after effects are not worth it. <3
@Prime-Minister I know someone who had (or has? Idk- I don’t talk to them anymore-) nervosa and they said it sucked ass.
If you still have it, I hope things get better for you, and if you don’t have it anymore, I’m glad you were able to get out of it. <3 -
@just-a-fkn-reaper-3-0 This isn’t about my problem, it’s about you! Take care of yourself, Reaper-buddy. You can improve, but try not to improve destructively!
@Prime-Minister I appreciate it, PM. And if you ever need to talk, I’m here! <3
@just-a-fkn-reaper-3-0 Wait, I need to ask you something in DMs.
think you could remove one of the group titles though? it’s bugging your posts
@Namira yeah like two
duchess said you’re only supposed to have five anyway
if i may ask what is body dysmorphia
@Namira proceeds to add more instead…
@Namira MB Namira-I didn’t get that memo lmao.
I did fix it tho -
@laraiia Body dysmorphia is… oh boy. The government says that it is a ‘mental illness characterized by obsessive focus on a perceived flaw in appearance.’
You see yourself differently than you are. For example, someone who has a small stomach/a little pudge may see themselves as grossly obese, or someone who has (x) body features may see it as a much more extreme version of itself, and it can take a toll on people’s mental health. It’s quite common-there are more than 3 million diagnosed cases in the U.S. (per year, I think?)Everyone experiences it differently and reacts differently, though.
@just-a-fkn-reaper-3-0 oh thank you