Body dysmorphia kicks ass.
@Namira I’ve seriously thought about it-a family friend got one, and she says it really helped. Besides, it doesn’t have to be a major reduction either-
Oh my god, I feel this post. I don’t care if it’s from four days ago, I feel it.
@Prime-Minister I’m glad someone else feels my pain, no matter how unfortunate it may be
@just-a-fkn-reaper-3-0 My own body problems lead me into Anorexia Nervosa, I hope you never slip into that stuff. The after effects are not worth it. <3
@Prime-Minister I know someone who had (or has? Idk- I don’t talk to them anymore-) nervosa and they said it sucked ass.
If you still have it, I hope things get better for you, and if you don’t have it anymore, I’m glad you were able to get out of it. <3 -
@just-a-fkn-reaper-3-0 This isn’t about my problem, it’s about you! Take care of yourself, Reaper-buddy. You can improve, but try not to improve destructively!
@Prime-Minister I appreciate it, PM. And if you ever need to talk, I’m here! <3
@just-a-fkn-reaper-3-0 Wait, I need to ask you something in DMs.
think you could remove one of the group titles though? it’s bugging your posts
@Namira yeah like two
duchess said you’re only supposed to have five anyway
if i may ask what is body dysmorphia
@Namira proceeds to add more instead…
@Namira MB Namira-I didn’t get that memo lmao.
I did fix it tho -
@laraiia Body dysmorphia is… oh boy. The government says that it is a ‘mental illness characterized by obsessive focus on a perceived flaw in appearance.’
You see yourself differently than you are. For example, someone who has a small stomach/a little pudge may see themselves as grossly obese, or someone who has (x) body features may see it as a much more extreme version of itself, and it can take a toll on people’s mental health. It’s quite common-there are more than 3 million diagnosed cases in the U.S. (per year, I think?)Everyone experiences it differently and reacts differently, though.
@just-a-fkn-reaper-3-0 oh thank you
@laraiia anytime. :)
@just-a-fkn-reaper-3-0 okay i thought i’d just put this out here
I don’t have body dysmorphia, but i am heavily insecure about myself.
I’m always scared to wear a two peice swimsuit because when i sit, i get that like ugly fold thing (iykyk)
I also was trying on some clothes and i was just scared i would get fatter once i got older
I’m trying to stay positive though -
@Enzi Dude I feel this-I hate the folds in my stomach, I hate the way my skin and fat sits on my body, and it just looks- gross-
But I’m glad you’re trying to stay positive about things! <3 -
@just-a-fkn-reaper-3-0 yes
but then again i just think my friend always wears two peices and she has those folds too cause it’s normal and she don’t give a single fuq so i’m just trying to ignore them and be happy with my body
@Enzi honestly, valid. I try. But I end up wearing 3 peices with a longsleeve coverup. (Also partially bc I burn really easily.)