Nexus 11 (Delta); This is the main characters' friend, delta
@Your-Local-Ghostface-Simp Nice, I’ll get some pictures :D
Sphinx Smash.
Respectfully -
Sphinx why does he look so sad-
By the WAYYYYYY Delta’s pants don’t come off so good luck trying :)
Sphinx damn.
/j guys I’m ace (I think?) so it doesn’t matter anyway- -
Sphinx Who said I had to try? 😋
Chat, I’m joking -
Y’all are FREAKS
Sphinx said in Nexus 11 (Delta); This is the main characters' friend, delta:
Y’all are FREAKS
yeahhhh…that’s us for you
Sphinx Dude that looks so spiffy
When i read the word “delta” I thought of the german “Delta-radio” radio
Wubbrle the Wubble... Lol Thanks!
Delta was going to be Male, But I changed it to female because I can’t configure a male robot without CURVES So I said “F it” and I made delta a female, Besides, delta’s a gender neutral name so it works :DD
i mean, no matter what, i’d still smash