Wanna hear some wild news?
Sphinx I mean everyone from 2004 is coming back now…
But I didnt expect you TO come back so i was surprised you were back
Ik i already said this but wb!
i actually was the first to found out
I asked if she was kumi after like 4 days of her being on (i think?)
@Youre_Just_A_Pun_To_Put_It_Politely kai can’t keep secrets 3:
Wubbrle the Wubble i was the second though
It was Wub, YLCS, then Carrie, then Kai, then one of the mods
Not alot of people found out or at least told me anything Lol
Sphinx To be honest i was sorta analyzing you 1 day after your introduction
Sphinx late as FUCK but ayyyy kumi, winnie, matcha and carrie are BACC even tho we’re spinhx, Blake, Milo, and jasper now
@c0rpse_br1de i can keep secrets…-
@Red said in
♥Gay_Bastard♥ we all changed lolll
Sphinx fr-
♥Gay_Bastard♥ and i still have my old name lmao
Wubbrle the Wubble ._. no sh-