im lowkey so pissed right now, am i the asshole?
okay, so im in a friend group both on discord and at my school which consists of me, person A, and person B. i share a class with person A before lunch, and we meet with Person B at lunch. Person A and Person B constantly berate me with insults, over, and over. i just shrug it og because i don’t give a damn what they think about me. but, when i was talking with Person A, she insulted me and i retaliated with the first insult ive said to her. she got extremely pissy the rest of the day. later, after school, i said “hey”. she replied with “can you actually get the fuck out of my DMs?” and proceeded to block me. am i the asshole?
edit: for more information, Person A has manipulated me into giving her money, and things liek that, along with other social manipulations.
Percy 2.0 no
Percy 2.0 No. Cause if they’re insulting you then fuck yeah insult them back/defend yourself. And oh well they can’t dish it, that’s on them.