i've never struggled so much-
Damn you fucking looser that’s so fucking easy to do omg kys dumbass bitch <3
No necessity. -
Shazz_ never heard of that-
The last group project we did I did most of the work
I’m one of those people who do all of the work, or none of it. I don’t
LOVE working in large groups, but I’m fine with 2 people. Because you don’t really have to listen to like 7 people at one time- -
{_𝐘𝐋𝐋_} Lol I don’t do well in groups - It just turns out to be a disaster because of the distractions either when they get bored or that they’re just not even participating.
Shazz_ i can’t do groups bc of my crippling social anxiety :'D
@MikelyDaGrapeBoi Man same!
@MikelyDaGrapeBoi good they don’t want you in those groups because you’re a fucking pedo bitchasshoe
The group projects are good its just some of the people at my table didn't even know what to do
I can’t work in groups cause I’m stubborn, I don’t cooperate, and I don’t like explaining what I’m doing, or why I’m doing it. -
No necessity, get over it. Leave what’s in the past in the past, he’s 14 god damn. -
@Alexx lol
Yup- -
@Alexx nope i said i’m going to haunt him forever and that’s a promise <3
{_𝐘𝐋𝐋_} Ok not like crippling to the point of talking to no one but I do have an issue with some situations.
@MikelyDaGrapeBoi stfu you cant be laughing you pedo
Bro, argue about that in a different post, it's completely irrelevant to what the topic is about.