Hey guys.. Long time no see.
@everyone Hey it’s me blank. Or yank(your local non binary kiddo) you may not remember me or may have never seen me before, but I’m back.
So ima cut this story short, my mom doesn’t accept me ass nb and bisexual so she threw out my suits, drawings, alt boots, chains, and my will to express myself. Just last night she told me that my friends from school (who are nice people btw) are horrible people. She guilt tripped me saying that she birthed me and she was flabbergasted that I would even think she was lying. She also (forgot the word) me by saying that my friends where bad people and a knew they were good… I even saw a gmail of my ex saying he missed me (in a non sexual and romantic way as friends) on her phone when she wanted me to delete my school email from it.
She still thinks I have “demons” as my intrusive thoughts and refuses to get me any more therapests after the last two.
I feel happy but I’m not happy.
She wants me to. Be me.
But this isn’t me.
I miss being who I was. -
Sorry for posting this twice my phone is acting up-