Y'all banned members/ex banned really acting like I care
Sorry to say it but if you’re in the banned forum that probably means for the time being you’re not welcome here. Being douchy won’t get you unbanned faster. It won’t help your case. It won’t do you any good other than pissing me off. I’m short tempered as is. I try not to get pissed off but when I am I have no problem hitting the ban button. I’m just trying to get across that people can either come talk and be respectful no matter what the reason is or how they ended up their or you can shut the fuck up. I can be wrong and that’s okay in my eyes because no ban can’t be taken back. I can simply hit a button and unban any account. But being disrespectful and downright shitty won’t get you anything but perma banned and if you disagree and keep running your mouth I won’t have a problem hitting the ban IP button. Sorry if that happened to you (cough cough Sonic.Exe cough but I’m not sorry)
@Thetruepath :)
its called the ban appeal forum for a reason, if youre not appealing a ban shut the fuck up
@finneass agreed. There been a couple people I muted cuz they didn’t seem to realize I don’t wanna hear about their fuckin life
I am just posting this rq also some people are just dumb and don’t read names -
these people are making a speedrun guide on how to get your ban extended
@A38 real lmao also just gonna say this because the thought just came to my mind. Your pfp reminds me of raven from teen titans go but without her cloak and more chibi
getting saved immediately
MaN i ReAlLy WoNdEr WhY -
“mods!!! i hate you!!!”
3 weeks later
“can i pwease be unbanned i pwomise i’ll change 🥺👉👈”
@finneass Callback to:
@Bandit I missed that post so much lmao
@Bandit real photo of me:
@finneass bro got caught in 1024k
@A38 The banned forum certainly looks much older for 1024x768.
@Karol the banned forum is a trip lemme tell ya