Hating my body. {TW: Mentions of ED}
I hate my body with a burning passion. I hate how chubby my stomach looks, so I try to hide it by eating less, wearing baggy/oversized clothing or just sucking it in. I can barely eat without throwing it all up or just barely touching my plate. I hate how I have to cover my mirror sometimes when the hate gets too much for me, it just shows how insecure I am. My mom always tells me how I should look and be more feminine, why am I so pathetic and insecure that I can't do one simple thing? Why can't I make her proud for once?
I'm a disappointment to her and everyone else.
{_𝐘𝐋𝐋_} don’t listen to your mom. you look beautiful and it doesn’t matter if you’re ‘not feminine enough’, because your mom isn’t good enough to keep your dad around.
If you need someone to talk to i’m herealso you’re not a dissapointment to me <3
Yll I don’t know you very well but to start you are literally the farthest thing from fat or chubby or whatever else. You’re not a disappointment to everyone. Your mom doesn’t understand how lucky she is to have you. I’m 100% sure of that. You’re widely loved within this community and you know most of us got your back. You’re a wonderful part of this community and no matter what your mom says you’re not a disappointment. You’ve got a lot of life left. Never forget that and work to be a better person than your mom. People really don’t realize how good something is till its gone. Make sure she realizes she fucked up in due time. You’re a beautiful young girl. You’re a caring and cared for member of the community. Nobody can change that. Just be yourself. Don’t let anyone change you just because they don’t like it or because they really like this and that. Be you
{_𝐘𝐋𝐋_} dont think even for a second that your a disappointment to your mom or anyone. to me, your body is perfect the way it is but i understand where your coming from. honestly, right now ive been doing the same. i wear baggy clothes all the time and i try to hide my face from people bc i think that im ugly and i hate my body too. but, you have to think to yourself. if you keep thinking that way about yourself it’ll just be worse. and from my understanding/prospective, making yourself throw up or making yourself not eat can lead you to die. i dont want you to have to go throught that, yll. your an amazing person and i cant stand having you or anyone else go through this pain. if i could take your pain away i would bc you dont deserve this.
Amy!! Trans <3 #RememberDuchess ♥ ADHD Awareness ♥ RealPianistslast edited by Jan 23, 2024, 3:34 PM
{_𝐘𝐋𝐋_} youre beautiful in your own way, as cheesy as that sounds, its true. Never let others get in your head with negative thoughts. Stay safe YLL <3
{_𝐘𝐋𝐋_} Your mom is doing you 0 favors by telling you that you have to “look and be more feminine.” Even if you are a little tubby in the tummy, eating less isnt the way to fix that insecurity. It is best to having a healthy and nutritious diet and exercising. And even if you didnt do that, it isnt a crime. Just be who you want, not because of your mom’s pressure. Her expectations arent “simple,” so please dont think that you’re failing something easy. It’s not.
Having insecurities isnt pathetic. Everyone has them. Does that make everyone pathetic? Absolutely not. Everyone has their own expectations and desires for themselves, and that is normal. It is what you do with them that changes things.
Its your body. What do you expect?
{_𝐘𝐋𝐋_} ignore the hate + what your mom says. its making you hate your body and you should not do that. there’s no such thing as perfect, the only contradiction of aforementioned quote is that “perfect” should be should for the way you are.