I hate it
I’m moving to North Florida exactly.
Skynet awh i’m in central
Skynet Well, I wish you luck on your travel!!
glad to know that you’re okay, hope the neighbors are okay tho.
it’s good to hear that you’re finally escaping from there, hope all goes well 🙏🏿
But one afternoon of 2023 I was with my phone looking at some media (I was right next to the balcony, with its windows closed) and then I heard some kind of whistle which got more and more louder, until I realized it was a missile that was traveling straight to my neighbor’s lawn and then it exploded, right next to my house.
What a wild experience! I hope all goes well with your travel and stay in the US, wow.
Skynet A lot of good folks and fellows tend to be from/in Florida, laugh out loud.
Skynet Oh my gosh… I cant believe you survived that place. God bless you honestly. That is absolutely terrible. Thank for sharing that story. I am so glad you’re flying to a safer place.
Thank you, and mainly thanks everyone for the virtual comfort. I’ll eventually make it to Florida
Little update: The flight is actually on 11th February aka the saturday