I just unvoted all my downvotes, imagine asking why 🤔
imagine downvoting a post just because the post has the word downvote in it
@zack Yeah i dont know why people downvoted when it would literally benefit them to not be downvoted lol
@Duchess the guy downvoting my post because he’s mad I called him out fucking loser
I’m fixing everything.
I meant to say “tracked” and not “tacked”, all fixed now.
@Karol May I ask why you’d want to react instead of actually downvoting? Just curious, as I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone on here do this.
@Bandit All the downvotes are gathered into one place, so I decided to purge all and react instead, so no one (particularly from the future) knows what I’ll downvote.
@Karol only you and moderators can check that list
@zack Ah ok, good to know.
that’s honestly a really good idea .!!