Allow me to loosely ask you
Why are you still here?
Karol Because I wanna be, I guess
Karol because i like the stupid and funny people on here
and i’m trying to befriend people
Karol because I can
@Bandit Fun!
@somebodythatyouusedtoknow Ok.
zofya Same here.
Karol yk this is quite the profound question coming from somebody whos username is one word and one letter shy from being “the loraks”
Karol cuz i am
Flip Ditcher Oh I need to see that.
This post is deleted! -
Karol cause i got a job to do
@slowstone72 That sounds like a great reason!
joe_shmoe3491 Ok.
I dunno tbh. .I think I only stay cause I still like most of the people here and this is a half-safe space for me.
This has 1.1k veiws in 3 days. 😭