What the heck
All of a sudden, people are deciding to get banned ?? I literally went offline for a couple hours and someone gets banned at least once everyday/week. .Is this some sort of trend now ??
{_𝐘𝐋𝐋_} No theres this one guy who keeps ban evading so they keep banning him
@Poptart_Yeeter so its different accounts but the same dude
Ohhh okay that makes sm sense. .Ty for informing me !!
{_𝐘𝐋𝐋_} Yeah np <3
me omw to go get banned so i can join the trend so people will accept me-
@Poptart_Yeeter i wanna get heelies so i can escape my feelies
Toast n o b i t c h .
@Poptart_Yeeter i dont wanna emotion today
Toast You don’t have to. I’ll help you emotion thats what friends are for >;/
Toast Because if ANYTHING happens to you I’m PERSONALLY going down into hell to find your ass
@Poptart_Yeeter Lucifer won’t let me go after all the things ive done, bestie
Toast Oh no they’re scared of me down there <3
@Poptart_Yeeter alrighty then when i die im taking you with me
Toast Bet if they see me they’ll let me AND you go trust
@Poptart_Yeeter bet.
Toast cuz with the shit I did even lucifer wouldn’t approve of that
@Poptart_Yeeter damn bro what you do