Kilometer and Durito being Milo and Duri
I thought of something chips could say If they were flirting…
"Let me put my chip in your dip
Sphinx HELP
@Hyuckzluv oops 😛😛
Here’s some more flirting quotes
“I don’t mind being a little crunchy, as long as I get to swim in you.”
“I’ve got the crunch, you’ve got the flavor—let’s make this snack unforgettable.”
“If I were a chip, I’d want to be dipped in you all day long.”
“You’re the dip that makes me feel complete… without you, I’m just an empty snack.”
Sphinx Those are actually so wild–
Sphinx c r a z y
Crazy? I was crazy once -
@Hyuckzluv huh
This post is deleted! -
@Hyuckzluv oh
@Chips 😽😽😽