Update.. (Please read)
So… Today went well… sorry I haven’t been on for a while.
I went to church, It was pretty boring… But the best part of my day… was that since my dad is a truck driver, He had a mission to drive all the way to texas only a 30 min walk from where I live… He came to my apartment and we hugged… and talked…
I’ve never felt so damn happy in my life…
Now he didn’t come to my floor or house, But we were on the first floor just walking and talking… I MISSED Him…
I cried when I hugged him, and cried in a study room after he departed to go back to his hotel for the night…
Right now, we’re talking on roblox
He has so much hurt… and pain from my bitch of a mother.I WILL NOT be staying with my mom no matter what she does. My decision has been shaking for the past few weeks… I’ve been iffy because I was like "Do I really wanna just… Not come back after the summer?? Stay with dad?? Leave mom??"But I need to stop being weak… I need to stay strong and not be MANIPULATED so goddamn easy.
Sphinx Bro its so sweet how ur dad visited u… broo i want the best 4 u my heart shriveled up, reading that convo-
★【♪シBlake Rose。シ♪】★™ He had depression while I wasn’t there in his life…
My mom is a cruel monster, the same way how a mother would be in utter turmoil if her child was taken away… the same with my dad.Also “Michelle’s boys” that’s his wife MICHELLE and his boys are his step kids…
Sphinx oh- im so sorry for u and ur dad- tbh i hope ur mom burns in hell- just as a mother shouldn’t be separated from her child, a father shouldn’t either.
★【♪シBlake Rose。シ♪】★™ Right… I can’t fucking wait for the summer.
Sphinx Hell- Me neither. u and ur dad deserves better
★【♪シBlake Rose。シ♪】★™ I’m just reading your signature, the fuck is a Fagay?
Sphinx Tbh no clue some bs rylie said that i found funny