The "Fake Ruby" Situation
Hello fellows, I’ve been sort of watching this whole “fake Ruby” thing blow up, and I’d like to make a statement:
It appears that there are some people out there who believe Red Ruby is fake, and most of everyone says she’s not. Which I agree. I personally don’t see how someone could make a claim about the authenticity of a person with no evidence to say otherwise. It’s important that we come to realize that there’s a point in someone’s life where they’re tired of being called fake and other unjust things. It’s actually unbelievably hurtful to wake up every morning to someone making paragraphs about how fake you are. Maybe reconsider not continuing this. I can’t see what Ruby did to deserve being called fake, and people trying to convince her to be banned from MPP and stuff. I personally think it’s childish to be going this long, and be still trying to convince people she’s fake. Is it really forth your time? I honestly doubt it is. Make our lives a little quieter and pleasant by stop publicly bullying a kind young lady on the internet. Thank you. Oh, and just a little FYI, there’s not much you can do to actually convince everyone to believe you because we love Ruby. So you’re furthermore wasting your time. Thank you. -
this post was cringe, automatically removed by bheese
@duchess Fun fact: Those are just alts.
Even funner fact: Therefore he hasn’t convinced anybody jack shit -
@sen-the-shitass I’m just here to defend Ruby :) Not trying to say you’re foolish enough to believe something someone said. But thanks for telling me. I already knew that anyhow.
@duchess < 3
At least you guys have common sense-
: D