Update on Life.
Hello, I’ve been busy this summer. I’m all moved into university now. I met a girl that I’ve been talking to for a while and I like her a lot. I think I can trust her but I’m not exactly sure, I might ask her out sometime soon. My classes are easy so far, I took some summer courses and stuff so I’m ready for that. My dorm-mate is someone I’ve known since elementary, me and him were never close but I like him. He’s pretty cool. But yeah, that’s my update. I’ll be on more now that I’m settled into college.
I graduated, a year early because I wanted to but I did it. I survived high school. Most hell-like 3 years of my life.
RE: Hate this [tw. Sh & stuff]
asher.dean.in.space I don’t know if this is gonna mean much coming from me, a stranger, but I’m proud that you haven’t yet. Everyone has thoughts of relapsing back to those kinds of things, addictions aren’t easy to get over, however the fact that you are coming to this community to talk about it and you haven’t yet makes you stronger than most people including myself. My advice to you is to stay strong and lean on people close to you, if you have a lover, talk to them, journal, you’ll make it!! And as for other people being okay above yourself, that’s not a good mindset, on planes, they tell you to put your oxygen mask on before anyone else, that’s for a reason! You can’t save anyone else before you save yourself.
RE: Fuck you
You know, I’d like to double it and give it to the next person
I just don’t see how some of you guys manage to pretend you like people. There is this one person, we’ll call her Maddie. She goes to my school and shes friends with a lot of my friends but I don’t like her. She’s loud, arrogant, annoying, and pissy, to me. She has an issue with being open about how she feels and instead of just stating how she feels, she says shes “afraid of the backlash” and will just make little snarky remarks like “okay sure.” or she’ll make sound effects like clicking her tongue and things of that nature. It’s so annoying to me. I hate when people can’t be open about their opinions, it usually means they’re insecure and so worried about people liking them that they won’t just be open in their opinion. People like that are annoying to me. So, I stopped talking to her, I blocked here everywhere, I didn’t make a big deal about it, I just genuinely didn’t want to interact with her anymore because she’s not a person I see myself being friends with. So another of my friends, we’ll call Kelly, texts me and is like “Do you still have Maddie blocked? I just really think you two should try to sort out your differences for the good of our friend group.” So I unblocked her, we talked for a bit. I asked her to stop doing those things because of the fact that it was just annoying to me, it got to the point where I genuinely couldn’t stand her. I asked her to sometimes just be quiet, and to stop being so snarky about things when she says them because she’s just a person like that. She says she will, she doesn’t. She hasn’t stopped yet. And I’m to the point in life now where I realize boundaries are rules with yourself, not rules with other people. So I blocked her again. Maddie will not be getting unblocked this time. I’ll still be cordial to her and I’ll still talk to her in a friendly manner however I have no interest in being close with her as Kelly wants. Kelly confronted me today about it and was like “That’s just how she is, you’re being a dick about it Xander.” Am I really being a dick for protecting my own personal peace? So I guess this whole situation has brought me to the realization that maybe, just maybe, I need to rethink some of my friendships. But that’s all. Thanks for listening to my vent! Have a great day!
RE: what if. (dont read if you dont want to question your existence or reality)
Imagine if we’re all in a video game, and “night” is when your character disconnects in the real world. And coma’s are when people go offline for extensive periods of time. What if death is really when we come to life? What if this is “heaven” and we just don’t know it?
RE: book suggestions?
finneass <33 said in book suggestions?:
don’t read the inmate by freida mcfadden
I read this book, I completely agree with your stance. It was one of the worst things I’ve ever read in my life.
I've expanded my music horizons.
I’m open to most kinds of music, however my main genres are rock, metal, jazz, classical and chiptune. The thing is, I’ve been listening to some of the songs people tend to post here and I’ve expanded my horizons and found some new music I like. So, here’s the funny thing. I was looking for some new music and I came across Pink Guy. My family is heavily Christian. And I absolutely love Pink Guy’s music. How? I have no clue. I usually hate such vulgar music but it’s just very well put together and slyly written. If a song is going to be about intercourse, you should just make it obvious and he understands that.
RE: in case this hasn't been made clear enough,
The thing is this generation doesn’t understand the concept of privacy. Everyone has to know about every issue that they have going on because it’s popular to be in drama now which is weird. If you’d rather people know your personal issues then when you get out into the real world, you’re gonna get a rude awakening.
RE: if you need anything from me thats mpp related
Fancy! Slay kinnggggg!! (I will never be saying that again.)