joe_shmoe3491 Take care of yourselff - we all understandd and we hope that you will have an amazing future, Joe ❤️
Thank you for the work you have done so far on these forumss
We’ll see you laterr :)
I Usually dont do this for my own personal safety, but I have an Instagram for my music.
If any of you are interested in hearing me play, watching my shenanigans and getting free sheet music (or looking at how I look), you can follow me at
“…And these children that you spit on as they try to change their Worlds are immune to your consultations. They’re quite aware of what you are doing, and what they are going through” - David Bowie
joe_shmoe3491 Also my calculations show that only 99.99% of you who are on this website are not subscribed to my channel. That special 0.1.1% goes to myself :)
i feel like a lot of people don’t understand what being in love feels like. you don’t love someone if you don’t love THEM, and i know that makes no sense but a lot of people love how people make them feel, love how people care for them instead of loving the person themselves, then when things go wrong or they stop doing those things because of something, then the person is all “oh i just lost feelings” and shit.