as soon as I came back and made that post my dad did bad dad things again so we left again after fighting (me/aunt/cousin)
we were just coming back home from walking around the beach and while we’re on the highway we get pulled over out of nowhere, turns out its because the inspection sticker wasn’t on the car (it expired), so when she checks us out (the officer) she also notices we’re “not” wearing the seatbelts, but we explain that because the seatbelt things aren’t on the wall and they’re on the side of the seat and the seats have seat covers that cover it, so we don’t have the shoulder strap, we only have the waist strap; so for me and my aunt, that’s 2 tickets (3 because no inspection ticket) but my cousin has the shoulder strap because he’s in the back seat, so he has it behind his back and not over his shoulder, and according to miss “I’m just doing my job” (complete bitch) if we’re not wearing them right we’re “not wearing them at all” so that’s 4 tickets, woo fucking hoo!!! that’s $500 we have to pay just because we went out for a drive to get away from home because a big ass fight was happening. All my fucking fault LMAO <3
But anyways, because of that, she had to give her the driver’s license… But apparently the DMV randomly sends out letters that look just like normal letters so someone probably just threw it away without checking it (the fucking usual lol) and if they don’t get returned to the DMV, they automatically suspend the license (which is also the ID) so not only can she not have her ID back (which means she can’t drive OR cash in checks) and so now she has to call the DMV to get it sorted out (which is pretty easy you just have to let them know you didn’t know and they’ll fix it)
But because of the tickets she either has to pay off the tickets early with the $500 we don’t (fucking) have, or go to court, which nobody wants to do
All of this because I just had to have a bad fight with my dad and she wanted to take me and her son out to calm down