say something in a language besides english
@Michi4959 im alright, you?
@finneass Jacored är gay och hans pappa är gay också
I’m ok I guess… in pain
@Michi4959 oh, wanna talk about it in dms?
@finneass Nah it’s not like that pain
and that’s up to you
@Michi4959 just body pain
@Michi4959 Oh and sure
@finneass I almost fractured my ankle
@Michi4959 ouch
@finneass yep
So I’m out of commission for awhile or until I think I’m ready
@Michi4959 hope it gets better
@finneass yes I’m literally the best receiver and runner for out school
@Michi4959 oh my god the poor team
@finneass school is a bomb with miniature bombs of stress and drama that fall and blow up all the time
@Klavier-Gavin Hör auf zu fluchen, sonst.
@finneass kamusta!
Hola, mi amigo! Eh, donde esta le augua?
Por favor, mi amigo, donde, DONDE!?
Hello, my friend? Eh, where is the water? Please, my friend, where, WHERE?! -
Oui oui non non
MPPC on puhas põrgu, ma ei saa midagi muud öelda, ilma et mind tulistaks 60-aastane britt