I'm so over Chorus !!
{_𝐘𝐋𝐋_} this shitty stuff always happens, something similar also happened to me a couple months ago when i was checking on my phone for the time and the teacher saw it and sanctioned me (1 sanction is like getting a warning in my country) and everyone else was using the phone when i was outside, getting sanctioned, looking to me just to laugh
Now I'm stuck in tutoring.
I don't want to go home.
Tried to explain, didn't let me, so I just told her what she wanted to hear. Yelled at me, threatened to hit me, called me names. I'm probably grounded now, at least I have my school laptop and [If she doesn't take it] personal laptop.
I hate people like that !! They're the absolute worse when its never a good time, but always thinking they're better than you for whatever reason.
But she still found the time to buy chic-fil-a ???
Confused by that part. [Not complaining though !! I'll take getting yelled at over getting hit by the belt !!]
She made me write an apology letter.
{_𝐘𝐋𝐋_} wtf-
I put it on his desk when he walked away and left
He knows it was me anyway cause my name was on it
{_𝐘𝐋𝐋_} oof hope things get better
He emailed the Dean of our school and she took it to the board. .They gave me lunch detention and I can't have my phone back until either the end of the day or until the end of lunch. And they need a copy of my apology letter.
{_𝐘𝐋𝐋_} ima say it right now im so very sorry this is happening to you but this is america so you can bring a gun
I am not doing that !! [Also I don't really like those jokes cause someone I know died in a school shooting]
{_𝐘𝐋𝐋_} damn mb gang
Its okay dw, you didn't know lol