Can I vent/rant to someone?
yea sure im available
edit: wait- not like that -
@The-Potato-King said in
edit: wait- not like that
@Youre_Just_A_Pun_To_Put_It_Politely i noticed it the second i posted it
@The-Potato-King XD
@Youre_Just_A_Pun_To_Put_It_Politely sure!
@your_local_carlisle_simp Thank you
@Youre_Just_A_Pun_To_Put_It_Politely np <3
@Youre_Just_A_Pun_To_Put_It_Politely Of course I’m always here
Sphinx Thank you
@Youre_Just_A_Pun_To_Put_It_Politely I try to be available daily, don’t be afraid to ask me! We all are concerned about you and most can agree that they’re fine with you talking to them in DMs