help me out here
@love-seeker didn’t u say u where leaving? I’m just saying because you said that your mom got hit by a car and That you’re leaving for a while, but then not even day later you come back I’m just kinda confused?
KayaRoseWho i wanted to come on for a bit and yes she did
@love-seeker mmmmm, okay hmmm
KayaRoseWho do u have anything else to say? if u do i would like u to say it
Let’s calm down guys before I have to lock this topic. This isn’t how we talk to our peers when stuff like this happens
@Bandit alright.
@love-seeker hmmmm
@Bandit mk
@love-seeker dragonnn
also omg yay you’re bacc
This post is deleted! -
these are cute
Sphinx uhhh ok that looks nice l’ll ask my mom and show her the pic thanks but ima prob get the first one on other part