a question for the gamers here >:3
What was the first arcade game you ever played?
Mine was Pac-Man. my short 6 year old ass had to be lifted by my brother to play the game
Blake Donkey Kong
Percy_the_Great ooo
Blake mhmmm [I made it to level 4 and ragequit when I died]
Percy_the_Great mhhhmmm [i made one quarter last in donkey kong and finished it with one quarter] SPEAKING OF, MY MOMS LETTING ME BLOW 20 DOLLARS WORTH OF QUARTERS AT THE ARCADE TOMORROW
Blake OOOOOOO NICEE [but jokes on you, I have this retro arcade thing where you pay 15 bucks to enter and have unlimited uses of games]
Percy_the_Great Yuhh [Idc because with unlimited trys, you don’t play as well bc there isn’t a risk of losing your money so there are only half ass trys. I love seeing my name on the leaderboard
Blake bold of you to assume I’m not playing my best on every try [also *tries]
Percy_the_Great Also its a sensory thing i like putting the quarter in the slit it feels nice
Blake probably an atari game OR ms pac man
ts was FIRE but after we got our new tv we don’t know how to plug it in
@jordan_the_greater oop---- .-.
Blake DK original.
Blake either Donkey Kong or Pac-Man. I haven’t been to many “old–school” arcades.
Amy!! oop- I’m going to one today