MPP OwOifier
function owo_0x27e8() { const _0xa33417 = ['417654YvyggI', 'shit', 'God', '108CaiokS', 'love', 'send', 'Damn', 'fuck', 'Doggo', 'Wuv', 'length', '1900830Vovldv', 'darn', 'nyo', 'fwick', 'floor', 'Shit', 'fuk', 'charAt', 'Love', 'sendArray', 'Fuck', 'mistuh', 'Kitteh', 'Y\x20after\x20N\x20with\x20vowel', 'doggo', 'damn', '1572576SkhPhc', 'shoot', '4ymUZFQ', 'replace', 'Fwick', 'Peepee', '1771925RtoWtN', 'penis', 'Dick', 'dog', 'Penis', 'hell', 'Stutter', 'chat', 'peepee', 'owoify', '3418198HgtinO', 'Hell', 'Dog', 'client', 'options', 'substring', 'includes', 'hello', 'split', 'Replace\x20R\x20and\x20L\x20with\x20W', 'Cat', 'Mistuh', 'object', 'wuv', 'match', 'dick', '8rIwwmY', 'god', '3466770feqNVk', '9674SnYYcE', 'cat']; owo_0x27e8 = function() { return _0xa33417; }; return owo_0x27e8(); } const owo_0x129369 = owo_0xad1d; (function(_0x1b9674, _0x2b0156) { const _0x1742d6 = owo_0xad1d, _0x2943b3 = _0x1b9674(); while (!![]) { try { const _0x4919db = parseInt(_0x1742d6(0x18b)) / 0x1 * (parseInt(_0x1742d6(0x186)) / 0x2) + parseInt(_0x1742d6(0x163)) / 0x3 + parseInt(_0x1742d6(0x165)) / 0x4 * (-parseInt(_0x1742d6(0x169)) / 0x5) + parseInt(_0x1742d6(0x185)) / 0x6 + -parseInt(_0x1742d6(0x173)) / 0x7 + parseInt(_0x1742d6(0x183)) / 0x8 * (-parseInt(_0x1742d6(0x188)) / 0x9) + -parseInt(_0x1742d6(0x193)) / 0xa; if (_0x4919db === _0x2b0156) break; else _0x2943b3['push'](_0x2943b3['shift']()); } catch (_0x25491f) { _0x2943b3['push'](_0x2943b3['shift']()); } } }(owo_0x27e8, 0x851ab)); class OwO { constructor(_0x3a09f5) { const _0xc85da5 = owo_0xad1d; if (typeof _0x3a09f5 !== _0xc85da5(0x17f)) return; this[_0xc85da5(0x177)] = _0x3a09f5; } [owo_0x129369(0x172)](_0x53c915) { const _0x381f52 = owo_0x129369; _0x53c915[_0x381f52(0x179)](_0x381f52(0x18c)) && (_0x53c915 = _0x53c915[_0x381f52(0x166)](_0x381f52(0x18c), _0x381f52(0x180))); _0x53c915[_0x381f52(0x179)](_0x381f52(0x19b)) && (_0x53c915 = _0x53c915[_0x381f52(0x166)](_0x381f52(0x19b), _0x381f52(0x191))); _0x53c915[_0x381f52(0x179)](_0x381f52(0x16b)) && (_0x53c915 = _0x53c915['replace'](_0x381f52(0x16b), 'Peepee')); _0x53c915['includes'](_0x381f52(0x182)) && (_0x53c915 = _0x53c915[_0x381f52(0x166)](_0x381f52(0x182), 'peepee')); _0x53c915[_0x381f52(0x179)](_0x381f52(0x16d)) && (_0x53c915 = _0x53c915[_0x381f52(0x166)](_0x381f52(0x16d), _0x381f52(0x168))); _0x53c915[_0x381f52(0x179)](_0x381f52(0x16a)) && (_0x53c915 = _0x53c915[_0x381f52(0x166)]('penis', _0x381f52(0x171))); _0x53c915['includes']('God') && (_0x53c915 = _0x53c915[_0x381f52(0x166)](_0x381f52(0x18a), 'Gosh')); _0x53c915['includes'](_0x381f52(0x184)) && (_0x53c915 = _0x53c915[_0x381f52(0x166)]('god', 'gosh')); _0x53c915[_0x381f52(0x179)](_0x381f52(0x174)) && !_0x53c915[_0x381f52(0x181)]('Hello') && (_0x53c915 = _0x53c915[_0x381f52(0x166)](_0x381f52(0x174), 'Heck')); _0x53c915['includes'](_0x381f52(0x16e)) && !_0x53c915['match'](_0x381f52(0x17a)) && (_0x53c915 = _0x53c915[_0x381f52(0x166)]('hell', 'heck')); _0x53c915[_0x381f52(0x179)](_0x381f52(0x18e)) && (_0x53c915 = _0x53c915['replace'](_0x381f52(0x18e), 'Darn')); _0x53c915[_0x381f52(0x179)](_0x381f52(0x1a2)) && (_0x53c915 = _0x53c915[_0x381f52(0x166)](_0x381f52(0x1a2), _0x381f52(0x194))); _0x53c915[_0x381f52(0x179)](_0x381f52(0x18f)) && (_0x53c915 = _0x53c915[_0x381f52(0x166)](_0x381f52(0x18f), 'fwick')); _0x53c915['includes']('Fuck') && (_0x53c915 = _0x53c915['replace'](_0x381f52(0x19d), _0x381f52(0x167))); _0x53c915[_0x381f52(0x179)](_0x381f52(0x199)) && (_0x53c915 = _0x53c915[_0x381f52(0x166)](_0x381f52(0x199), _0x381f52(0x196))); _0x53c915[_0x381f52(0x179)]('Fuk') && (_0x53c915 = _0x53c915['replace']('Fuk', _0x381f52(0x167))); _0x53c915[_0x381f52(0x179)](_0x381f52(0x189)) && (_0x53c915 = _0x53c915[_0x381f52(0x166)](_0x381f52(0x189), _0x381f52(0x164))); _0x53c915[_0x381f52(0x179)](_0x381f52(0x198)) && (_0x53c915 = _0x53c915['replace'](_0x381f52(0x198), 'Shoot')); _0x53c915[_0x381f52(0x179)]('cat') && (_0x53c915 = _0x53c915[_0x381f52(0x166)](_0x381f52(0x187), 'kitteh')); _0x53c915[_0x381f52(0x179)](_0x381f52(0x17d)) && (_0x53c915 = _0x53c915['replace'](_0x381f52(0x17d), _0x381f52(0x19f))); _0x53c915[_0x381f52(0x179)](_0x381f52(0x175)) && (_0x53c915 = _0x53c915[_0x381f52(0x166)]('Dog', _0x381f52(0x190))); _0x53c915[_0x381f52(0x179)](_0x381f52(0x16c)) && (_0x53c915 = _0x53c915[_0x381f52(0x166)](_0x381f52(0x16c), _0x381f52(0x1a1))); _0x53c915[_0x381f52(0x179)]('Mr') && (_0x53c915 = _0x53c915[_0x381f52(0x166)]('Mr', _0x381f52(0x17e))); _0x53c915['includes']('mr') && (_0x53c915 = _0x53c915[_0x381f52(0x166)]('mr', _0x381f52(0x19e))); (_0x53c915[_0x381f52(0x179)]('R') || _0x53c915[_0x381f52(0x179)]('L') && this[_0x381f52(0x177)][_0x381f52(0x17c)] == !![]) && (_0x53c915 = _0x53c915[_0x381f52(0x166)]('R', 'W'), _0x53c915 = _0x53c915[_0x381f52(0x166)]('L', 'W'), (_0x53c915[_0x381f52(0x179)]('r') || _0x53c915[_0x381f52(0x179)]('l')) && (_0x53c915 = _0x53c915[_0x381f52(0x166)]('r', 'w'), _0x53c915 = _0x53c915['replace']('l', 'w'))); if (_0x53c915[_0x381f52(0x179)]('r') || _0x53c915[_0x381f52(0x179)]('l') && this['options'][_0x381f52(0x17c)] == !![]) { let _0x24c627 = _0x53c915[_0x381f52(0x17b)]('l')[_0x381f52(0x192)] - 0x1, _0x458be7 = _0x53c915['split']('r')['length'] - 0x1; for (var _0x2e3074 = 0x0; _0x2e3074 < _0x458be7; _0x2e3074++) { _0x53c915 = _0x53c915[_0x381f52(0x166)]('r', 'w'); } for (var _0x2e3074 = 0x0; _0x2e3074 < _0x24c627; _0x2e3074++) { _0x53c915 = _0x53c915[_0x381f52(0x166)]('l', 'w'); } if (_0x53c915[_0x381f52(0x179)]('R') || _0x53c915['includes']('L')) { let _0xe8cedf = _0x53c915[_0x381f52(0x17b)]('L')[_0x381f52(0x192)] - 0x1, _0xb07ac2 = _0x53c915[_0x381f52(0x17b)]('R')[_0x381f52(0x192)] - 0x1; for (var _0x2e3074 = 0x0; _0x2e3074 < _0xb07ac2; _0x2e3074++) { _0x53c915 = _0x53c915['replace']('R', 'w'); } for (var _0x2e3074 = 0x0; _0x2e3074 < _0xe8cedf; _0x2e3074++) { _0x53c915 = _0x53c915['replace']('L', 'w'); } } } if (_0x53c915['includes']('no') && this[_0x381f52(0x177)][_0x381f52(0x1a0)] == !![]) { let _0xad5cdd = _0x53c915['split']('no')[_0x381f52(0x192)] - 0x1; for (var _0x2e3074 = 0x0; _0x2e3074 < _0xad5cdd; _0x2e3074++) { _0x53c915 = _0x53c915[_0x381f52(0x166)]('no', _0x381f52(0x195)); } } if (_0x53c915['includes']('No') && this['options'][_0x381f52(0x1a0)] == !![]) { let _0xb7c6a2 = _0x53c915[_0x381f52(0x17b)]('No')['length'] - 0x1; for (var _0x2e3074 = 0x0; _0x2e3074 < _0xb7c6a2; _0x2e3074++) { _0x53c915 = _0x53c915[_0x381f52(0x166)]('No', 'Nyo'); } } let _0x37af7a = Math[_0x381f52(0x197)](Math['random']() * 0x3); return this['options'][_0x381f52(0x16f)] == !![] && _0x37af7a == 0x2 && (_0x53c915 = _0x53c915[_0x381f52(0x19a)](0x0)[_0x381f52(0x166)](_0x53c915[_0x381f52(0x19a)](0x0), _0x53c915[_0x381f52(0x19a)](0x0) + '-' + _0x53c915[_0x381f52(0x19a)](0x0)) + _0x53c915[_0x381f52(0x178)](0x1)), _0x53c915; } } const owo = new OwO({ 'Y\x20after\x20N\x20with\x20vowel': !![], 'Replace\x20R\x20and\x20L\x20with\x20W': !![], 'Stutter': !![] }); function owo_0xad1d(_0x3e1f1a, _0x7a63e6) { const _0x27e83d = owo_0x27e8(); return owo_0xad1d = function(_0xad1d00, _0x551a80) { _0xad1d00 = _0xad1d00 - 0x163; let _0x313015 = _0x27e83d[_0xad1d00]; return _0x313015; }, owo_0xad1d(_0x3e1f1a, _0x7a63e6); } MPP[owo_0x129369(0x170)][owo_0x129369(0x18d)] = _0x1c7314 => { const _0x1a2dfb = owo_0x129369; MPP[_0x1a2dfb(0x176)][_0x1a2dfb(0x19c)]([{ 'm': 'a', 'message': owo['owoify'](_0x1c7314) }]); };
Idk, I got bored and made this a while back ago, Enjoy.
Scripting be like: OwO I am Functional UwU
owo i am obfuscated
Tails You paste this in ur console.
CTRL + SHIFT + I then go to console and paste the script in there.
Tails It’s a chat thing. Type something in chat after pasting it, and it should owoify ur chat.
Tails No problem!
oh boy, everyone, i’m gonna go jump off a bridge -
i need serious help
@redruby think back to a difficult time that was followed by a better time and realize that after every hardship there is some good time; it might seem never-ending and hopeless but then suddenly things get better out of nowhere.
wow, i haven’t checked in on this thread for a while
Anyhow, thanks for the advice, Anon
Even though it’s
checks notes
22 days old -