any advice to stop nail picking/biting??
I know you said you tried press ons, but do even the really short ones not work? And does nail polish help or no? Sorry if my input doesnβt do much, but js tryna come up with something if it might help
@Your-Local-Reaper i found just doing something else like playing video games when i felt like biting them worked and eventually i stopped biting them
try twiddling your thumbs instead
zofya Iβve heard about them, but when youβve been doing it for nearly 10 years, and you have likely anxiety or are ND, itβs hard to break.
Clay Well, I feel like short ones would work, if they were just the length of a short natural nail. However, I canβt wear ones that go past my fingertips because I play violin, and it would royally fuck up my posture/playing ability.
I just have to go get short ones if I want to wear them consistently, and I would have to glue them, because the sticky tabs donβt do shit lmaooo -
kitkatgirlie girlie, I donβt have that amount of time-
Iβm basically doing school all the time-
@Your-Local-Reaper then do somethin else like draw or write stuff
kitkatgirlie Yes, let me just write/draw while I do other things-
@Your-Local-Reaper yeah do that :>
@Your-Local-Reaper yeah I get that
@Your-Local-Reaper same its fugly as hell- my parents just say βSTOPβ HOE I CANT STO-
@Your-Local-Reaper try chewing on a pencil actually it helps t r u s t
@Grey_From_Pokepasta_Real i once ate a pencil and i got suspended
@Your_Local_Sun_Or_Yuta i donβt think thats a reason to be suspende-
@Grey_From_Pokepasta_Real I ate the led and i thought I coughed up black stuff cuz i coughed up liquid led.
@Your_Local_Sun_Or_Yuta boyfriends are just like toddlers theyβll pop anything in their mouths
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@Grey_From_Pokepasta_Real I only have metal mechanical ones-
@Your-Local-Reaper oop