Nexus 11 (Delta); This is the main characters' friend, delta
Delta was going to be Male, But I changed it to female because I can’t configure a male robot without CURVES So I said “F it” and I made delta a female, Besides, delta’s a gender neutral name so it works :DD
i mean, no matter what, i’d still smash -
Sphinx AIAD model
@Youre_Just_A_Pun_To_Put_It_Politely yeah same ngl!
Rēsh-1 ?
Sphinx the fact y’alls have degraded so low that you’re turning to smashing NON HUMAN OBJECTS
is disappointing, smh.
the child does not approve
RIIIGHHTT They might as well see a toaster and say smash Like Yo…
Sphinx uhhhhh robot
Rēsh-1 Oh