Ngl kinda scared for the weekend after my birthday...
So my mom and my step sister’s and some of their friends are taking me to a night club because I’ll be 18 and well they want me to experience it at least once and I’m an introvert so hahahaha idk how this is going to go please send help…
SOOOO the hardest thing too drum too is literally this song in my opinion I hate it
This is what I wanna be able to play perfectly before I’m like not able to play drums anymore (because of my wrist that may be once I turn like 30) -
RE: Help me with this song I'm making
Sphinx Sounds like a love song kind of maybe add some violins maybe for like bigger cords in the background
RE: This is shadow I had to change my user and well I'll explain if you dm me
KayaRoseWho Flip Ditcher Keep the drama in the dms then and contact another admin about it that’s all you can do
Drumline tryouts last time....
Tomorrow is my last highschool drumline tryouts and well to say the least this is going to be easy
RE: Chat I introduced my friend to Fullmetal Alchemist...
@Your-Local-Ghostface-Simp You have forsaken him…
RE: Help me with this song I'm making
Sphinx And I have some lyric ideas like it just came to me off the top of my head I can dm them too you if you’d like
RE: Probably the MOST FUN drumset part that metallica has wrote
@Your-Local-Reaper I cant lol
This is shadow I had to change my user and well I'll explain if you dm me
LOOK I need people to calm down like now because you guy’s caring on isn’t going to solve anything now being reasonable and trying to talk and not showing your anger is. But everyone I’ve seen so far has shown their frustration in a very negative way but please just for the love of God just try to calm down. Its ok your angry I totally understand because I was frustrated to then I thought “hey I should conduct this in a calm manner”. Now the drama that has been going on is very uh sad in general like just keep the drama out of the site. I’ve seen so much drama over the years and been involved in it which wasn’t my best moment I will say. But I learned from it I learned that arguing wasn’t going to solve anything and I just talked it out with those people or just stopped talking to them in general like the BLOCK button exist for a reason. But I get you all are frustrated and angry but just try to conduct this in a better manner guy’s.
RE: Ngl kinda scared for the weekend after my birthday...
@PopTart_Yeeter Already did Im not attracted to them really anymore so I’m straight now and intend on staying straight
So Drumline tryouts are soon
I’m trying out for drumset this year I’ve been practicing for about two ish hours straight I’m literally going to practice all the fundamentals again until tryouts and get better because I’m kind of rusty but hey this is my senior year for me to do this I’m making sure NO ONE can take this spot from me because I’ll be too good for anyone too take this spot away from me but I just need kind of a lot of support from people because well I’m nervous for one and two this is going to a strain on my body and my mental state… so yeah MUSICIANSHIP WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
I hate life rn like badly and just dm me about it and I’ll tell you because mentally I cant like explain it rn