My first Gumball fan art!
I copied Gumball’s expression from my profile picture, but the rest is all hand drawn! I’m pretty proud of myself!

My Gumball Fan Art!
Gumball Fanart cover I made! ^^
This was part of an assignment for my Photoshop class - it was to make a fictional movie poster/cover either as a parody of an existing series or not, and I am honestly really happy the way it turned out! ^^ -
In Loving Memory of my friend Austin
Not too long ago, our 10th-12th grade Recording Arts music class was downright devastated when we found out that our amazing vocalist, musician and loving friend, passed away this weekend from an unknown cause. We didn’t know what to even think or do - I didn’t know what to do.
Our loss didn’t only affect our class, but the entire school. He was a senior, had almost finished high school and was destined to live up to his music career. Every day, we’d jam and compose, and have fun till the music day was over. He had been part of an amazing band, a band that couldn’t even function without his amazing creativity and voice. My teacher Mr. Wood even dedicated a space on his white board for him to draw on because of his amazing talent in drawing as well.
I honestly didn’t want to go to class the next day. Seeing everyone as they were, though, all we needed that day was our own comfort from each other. Our sadness had lasted, but later that day we took a nice walk around the campass - that really helped. The next day we went for another calming walk. We were feeling a lot better today, but we had to accept the fact that he wasn’t going to be with us everyday, in our jam sessions and along for our walks.
But he’ll always be with us in our hearts. -
User Guide to MPP Community Forum
I realized that new users might not know all the features to this forum right off the bat, so this is a guide to explain all the things you might like to know (will add more information later).
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Will be updated accordingly if new staff enter/site information changes
Unusual Frame in TAWOG (8)
Not necessarily an unnoticeable frame, but a funny clip where Richard gets stuck in the elevator in an effort to sign for a new job!
It was overall a pretty funny episode, haha ^^
In Memory of my friend Nolan
This past weekend, I had lost a very talented, athletic, skilled and aerobic friend, who was not only someone that I came to know by everyone, but someone who actually meant very much to me and my friends in many different ways.
To give you guys some insight about him, he was very fond of his talents, especially in cubing, and a couple times I’d watch him solve his puzzles with absolute ease, haha. He’d spend a lot of his time hanging out with his Junior friends, making everyone feel comfortable and appreciated. Some times he’d quite literally do backflips off of anything - he was amazingly flexible and never had second thoughts to perform the impossible. One time during one of my music classes, he was doing all sorts of tricks right outside, and we all couldn’t help but admire and smile at his incredible talent ^^
He wasn’t very social when I had him in my classes, but in between and during breaks, he’d be out there, enjoying the time he had to spend with the people he truly enjoyed being with :)
The news came that while being a passenger, riding in a car with one of my other great friends who was taking him home, had crashed. It’s really sad for me honestly, to think that such an event as that had really happened - one day, you see him enjoying himself with everyone, not even thinking at all about seeing him the next week after, but the next, he’s gone like that :(
A few days ago, while in my Photoshop class, my friend Jeremiah who was involved in the crash pulled up a page on his computer, and I saw that it was a fundraiser for his passing, and astonishingly it had raised over $10,000 dollars - that made him really, really happy, and that made me happy too. I can’t imagine how their family must be feeling right now, but to know that people really do care, offering their condolences including mine, and giving it their all towards doing everything they can for their family, is honestly extraordinary. Even that is an understatement.
Thank you guys for reading - I wanted to lay this all out because it has been bothering me, but it has especially been hard on me because of having to see my friends in pain. Ones that were especially close to him - I’m lucky to have known Nolan. Everyone was considered lucky to have known him.
May he rest in peace -
❤️ 8-Bit Compositions! ❤️
Although a little different from my usual classical composing, these past two weeks I’ve been working on making original 8-bit melodies for you guys :)
8 bit in it of itself is a totally different world for me honestly - I’m able to express my melodies in ways that ordinary classical music can’t necessarily express. The general soundfont itself is super nostalgic of old console games to me personally, and I really enjoyed finding and exploring the new dynamics that this offered, and what I have made altogether ^^
I hope you guys enjoy your individual melodies
Cursed Cucumber —> ♫ Cucumber ♫
@InvalidBandit —> ♫ Bandit ♫
@marvie229 —> ♫ Marv ♫
@Duchess —> ♫ Duchess ♫
@Emory1008 —> ♫ Emory ♫
@MrTree —>♫ Tree ♫
@A0x26 —> ♫ A0x26 ♫
@CaptainPresto —> ♫ Presto ♫
@Serco915 —> ♫ Serco ♫
@X-HEXER-X —> ♫ Cyx ♫
.EnvyLexi. —> ♫ Envy ♫
@a7x-isbetter-thanu —> ♫ Finn ♫
Purrito —> ♫ Purrito ♫
Ayari —> ♫ Ayari ♫
@7o2_an-a —> ♫ Ana ♫
@Izzy —>♫ Izzy ♫
{_𝐘𝐋𝐋_} —> ♫ YLL ♫
𝜗𝜚 rylie —> ♫ Rylie ♫
The audio playbacks are embedded in the highlights :)
I’ll keep adding to this since I know there’s more of you that I didn’t get to who’d like a melody -
Almost My Birthday! 💖
I’m super excited! A little over a week until I turn 18 :)
Being an adult will be something to get used to for sure, but that won’t stop the amount of love that I’m always happy to share and spread with all of youu whenever I have that chancee
I promise I won’t changee
This also being a nice timee, I again want to thank our wonderful mods that we still havee - @tea-and-crumpets 𝜗𝜚 rylie thank youu for being active and keeping the forums safe and interactive!
Virtual hugss every dayy :) -
About Toxic
This all came to a surprise for all of us - I’ve been DMed quite a few times regarding all information towards what had happened just about an hour ago. I decided to go ahead and post to briefly summarize, due to a lot of questions/concerns, and to inform you all in relation to what, how and why this happened.
Although I’m not going to expose any information specifically, Toxic was temporarily banned for some DMs that went down recently. Some of you, if not all of you, have been introduced to all of this already, and as for the extent of the ban, it has been justified, originating from extensive evidence.
And I have to apologize to a couple of friends for exposing them prior to the administrator 's investigation - @fallen-angel and devil.girl, I sincerely apologize for avoiding your valid response as to remain anonymous throughout this situation - as I figured, me being a moderator, sooner or later, everything was bound to reveal itself, and it would’ve been wrong of me if I were to hide anything, which I wish never to do. I hope you understand that this entire dilemma meant no harm to either of you.
I’ve contemplated lessening his ban with Nitsua, however, because of previous issues related to this exact reason for his time away, interference with adjustments are at a no-go.
I really feel for him. Maybe not all of us, but I sincerely wish that he’ll continue being the amazing, funny, inspiring person he is, and will always be. -
❤️ My Tribute and Love to All You Guys! ❤️
Since composing is what makes me happy, over the past two weeks I’ve been creating musical tributes for everyone! I love each and every one of you, and each of you are special in your own way ^^ I wanted to express my feelings towards you guys, and what better way to do that than with music!
There’s a saying that goes “If words fail, music speaks”, and I truly stand by that.
If I’m down in the dumps and nothing seems to cheer me up, all of you definitely inspire me in different ways, from humor to encouragement, supportive personality to creativity! I wanted to thank you all for that, and I could not be happier than to give the least I could give.
A little while ago I lost one of my friends from suicide, and man did that hit me. But I didn’t let that overtake me. Because of that, I got back into writing music, music that comforted me, and made the scene brighter again. And also because of that I had the great opportunity to compose these very songs!
Whatever happens, don’t lose hope, let that make you stronger.
You’ve deserved it. Being friends with you guys is like more than friends - a family in this little community that has grown tremendously. I can’t appreciate that enough! Man am I lucky!
Thank you everyone. Let this become a memory worth your time. I know that they have to me )
These first 8 I made for friends that mean a great deal to me, and have known for very long. If I haven’t mentioned you, I don’t intend to leave you out! When I said “everyone”, that could have been misleading, I’m sorry. I need to take a break from composing and let the ideas filter haha! I’m planning to do around 8 -10 at a time if I’m in a good mood, but obviously I always am. (I’m going to mention others at the end for my next set of songs in the future!)
…@Aki - You’ve already heard this one early, since you were thinking about leaving mpp. I loved making yours <: this was around the time I encouraged myself to start writing music again. The subtle piano and electric guitar fit together like they were meant to be along with that calming ostinato drum pattern. From there, everytime I started another composition I would go back and listen to this, reminding me of the many possibilities yours has brought forth! ❤️❤️❤️
]- Jinx "Snortable" Powder -[ - OH MAN did I have a great time with this one! If you’ve seen my post about the symphony I made, that story is similar to how I came across this - I was just sitting there and this idea kept playing in my head. To be honest, I was imagining like a saxophone dubstep ensemble at first haha! But I am glad I chose rock. This one is probably one of my favorites that I have ever made. I also did a chord change towards the end, down two transposes, and a fade-out which I usually never do! It fit perfectly! Yours has definitely started my path towards rock composing, and I will use it to the fullest. ❤️❤️❤️
{_𝐘𝐋𝐋_} - I came up with this idea only for like a solo piano performance - but with the magic of the drums, bass, and electric guitar, I managed to create a full on jazzy tune almost! The suspended and 7th chords really brought this alive <: I don’t know why I felt like this genre matched you, but this is nonetheless what I came up with. In my eyes, this song is as creative and unique as you are, and I hope you’ll stay that way for others to admire. ❤️❤️❤️
ㅤ / @Your-Local-Gender-fluid - I have a love for the 80’s rock music. That, and Jinx’s song, is what inspired me to keep going with that style. The solo drummist starts it all, with a symmetrical guitar lead duet! Then comes the BANG, and everything joins in on the party! The motive is probably the most iconic I’ve made - it gets stuck in my head honestly! The minor often switches to major, making this quite an interesting piece. Thanks for being you, Blank! ❤️❤️❤️
@Lenarabu - I decided to chill out from all this madness of rock, so I went back and created this song, similar to the idea of Aki’s song - with the calming aspects. I personally love arpeggios, the style of repeating a chord with single notes, so this was a joy to compose. I changed chords insanely often, probably like 5 times, but overall it turned out nicely once I got to the end, with some chill half note chords.
I don’t know if we’ve conversed that much, Lenarabu. We should talk more <: although I have seen you around this community for some time. But something told me to make a song for you. Everyone should deserve their own beat at this point no matter who they are or how often we interact. I see a future in this one ; ) ❤️❤️❤️ - The first time I have ever ingrained hip hop beats in anything! Many possibilities were destined to come about from the beginning, where the bass started playing a sick ostinato pattern! I also added some vocals as well, since it seemed empty without a background. You should judge me on how I did Angel, I would love to know if I’m capable of hip hop, or if I need more experience! And, AS usual, I did a chord change towards the end, in which I think it was one transpose down.
I love ya man - you made me think of this style, and who knows, I might just make more of this if you like it ^^ ❤️❤️❤️ - Nova, you’ve had a hard time on, I totally get it. Looking at everything that has happened though, you still don’t deserve to be left out. Everyone has their ups and downs honestly, so there should be no reason to refuse others over what they have done. We’re all human. I’ve already been showing you this one, in the process and in the final product, but this one, this one is the only one I’ve named as of now. This one striked me the most for some reason - the tune has a different vibe from the rest.
I called it “Flying Through the Galaxy”, hence “Nova” and that one could imagine a space journey to this song. (at least I can <:) I truly love this one.
I ultimately tell you this: Never give up no matter the situation, no matter how others look at you. Be YOU! You’re as unique as you can get! That goes for everyone! You should at least look at your mistakes, and respect others, but let that encourage you to be your best! ❤️❤️❤️ - Last but not least, yours ^^ I made yours different from the rest. No percussion! I used the acoustic guitar as the main motive - actually the first time as well. As minor as it sounds, there’s a sense of hope and glory ingrained, in which this piece ultimately ends this list, awaiting future compositions. The vocals also uplift the surrounding instruments, and I’m planning to use them more in future songs. You, and everyone here mean a lot to me, so I leave you with this ; ) ❤️❤️❤️
…If you have any questions, I’ll be pleased to answer them!
Software: The software I used is - an online composing platform.
I think there’s an option to download your files, so it’s yours to keep!I’ll come up with names for the rest of the songs, or you guys could name them!
Next twelve I’ll be writing future songs for!
@Sen-the-shitass ⬳
@Wolfy ⬳
scarlet lol
@Tsunamii ⬳
Kennedy Burke ⬳
JDP Random YT ⬳
@MrTree -
🦃Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!🦃
I feel like the holidays are going to go by really fast! Haha, but I hope today doesn’t feel like that because today is a holiday I cherish very closely, and that I’d want to count, and spend each minute of this day with my family, and all of you whom which I love very much
I could go on forever in thanking everyone individually who is here, but ultimately I am thankful for everyone, especially my amazing girlfriend, and whether it has been from others, I fully disregard any unfortunate happenings/memories in the past because today is important to realize, and look at someone as who they truly are, and what thanks they offer towards one another. Embracingly, I am thankful for the past, as well as for the future :)
I hope everyone has an amazing Thanksgiving feast with their families! Love you guys! -
Getting my wisdom teeth removed!
Very early tomorrow, I’ll be getting my wisdom teeth out in hopes that they don’t keep interfering with my normal teeth. I’ve never had any type of surgery before, and I have to admit I’m very nervous, but I know that I’ll be in good hands at the orthodontist, and that I conveniently have this entire week to recover from the pain that I may have, and whatnot.
I’ve never been sedated either so that will be an interesting experience! Haha
I’ll try to peep online periodically next week, but I’ll be resting quite a lot I imagine - I think I’ll still be woozy from having taken strong anesthetic too, so it’d be best for me to get some shuteye for a while.
I’ll see you all later! And have an amazing Thanksgiving everyone! (Sapphire!!! I’ll try my very best to be online for you
Love you guys -
Heya You Guys :)
@everyone As me not being here as often as I used to, I do tend to think about you all because I do miss seeing all of you - coming here periodically, I still see the humerus and kind atmosphere that has always emanated throughout this place, and it’s honestly worth cherishing in my book. Each time I get to see you guys, to DM or just experiencing any kind of moment with you guys, it makes me incredibly happy; your messages mean so much, no matter how short or long they may be, regardless of your words! I still owe all of you so much for your kindness, and it would feel wrong of me not to show my appreciation for all that you’ve done for me :)
I was planning an earlier post, going in depth of what’s been going on regarding how I’ve been, and reasons for that and so on, but I think it’s better that I don’t considering that I’d hate to see you guys worrying about me. To sum some of those thoughts though, in general I’ve been needing some time to myself, prioritizing it to recoup myself, and to remain positive by making some personal decisions that have aided me tremendously, in an effort to focus on new ideas and places. If any of you would like to know more, please feel free to DM me - never worry to do so
What I’ve said doesn’t mean I’m leaving here for good, I just wanted to let you all know what I’ve been doing, and how things are going for me :)
Thanks for reading - love you guys! -
Huge Thanks! 💖
Comparing what the forums have been, to what they are now in terms of management and safety, I think there’s been a huge improvement, if not a very noticeable one at the least. Before I came back, I think it’s safe to say that these forums were not always under the right control, and were not necessarily under the right minds for any lasting progress and change to happen without drama insuring or forms of corruption taking over.
We needed some kind of renewal, and I am really happy, even if it isn’t clearly significant (I think it iss), that we have a changed staff team and a new look on the forums. I really want to thank @tea-and-crumpets, @Bandit and 𝜗𝜚 rylie for being those people that we honestly needed in charge and first hand authority, and the recognition they all deserve is so much more, more than I can put in words myselff
I love, love and love you guys so much! The community is honored and thankful that we have your moderation, and I’m proud of you guys and proud of seeing the gradual but needed change that we’re coming to see here :)
Also it’s almost Christmas! It came really fast I feel likee
Don’t feel the need to stay here too much - I want you guys, and for everyone ultimately to enjoy their Christmas with their families! I may make another Christmas-related post later on when Christmas Eve hits, but I truly want everyone of you to be stress-free, and I’m always here to help if you need anything from me -
Midnight Gallop - Original Composition!
@RealPianists @Musically-Oriented-People @Music-Enthusiasts
I started writing this during the last few weeks of school, heading into Christmas break - this one is one of my most carefully composed and intricate compositions! I envisioned horses galloping throughout the night, and wanted to express that into what I have right here :)
Precaution for VPNs
Despite VPNs being somewhat of a convenience in order to serve as a protection wall, and to secure your private connective information, VPNs should never be used here as follows.
Due to the risk of simply sharing one/multiple VPNs without any intention of knowing the perils, many people who intend an attempt to use one, maybe because they know they’ll get banned, or if they ever get banned, could copy and save these links for future use, therefore evading to their advantage.
As well as privately DMing VPNs, that will also be taken into account. If any are DMed, unintentionally or purposefully for use, we need to know.
Do not, under any circumstance, use, post, or share said links. This is just to keep this community safe, and hack-free of registration/ALT abuse and unfair evasions that could’ve been prevented.
As we have seen with Lavender, we wouldn’t want that to happen again, but I know most of you guys understand, and would never do such a thing.
Just a precaution - Thank you. -
RE: My Gumball Fan Art!
Safe to say, math is not my favorite subject either.
I totally feel their discomfort to be honest! XD