lets be respectful citizens of a online community :3
You're my friend now
@You're my friend now
Welcome to Blake's bio :3
No racists, homophobics, zoophiles, pedos or anything like that allowed. This is a safe space for everyone. <3
☆My name is Blake☆ <— You mean Blakey 😼 - Rylie
I own Milo (My Lo Lo <3) 👻
no you don't!!
I'm cool, guys i'm not dangerous. dm me any time lol
♪Let's get one thing clear. bbg, I don't bite unless you bite first. And once I do bite, it'll be 10 times harder <3♪
ツPronouns: He/Him/It/Itselfツ
[PERCY WUZ HERE!!1!] <— My boyfriend who sadly left and had to delete his account. F in chat. :sob:
Milo/Haechan was here. 💋💞 <---- F. (From Milo themself)
Best posts made by You're my friend now
all girls are bi.
u just need to find out if she’s bisexual, bipolar, bilingual, or a bitch
RE: hi chat. :]
Shazz_ Mhm! I’m glad that you’re here. You’re a amazing part of this community. Thanks for making everyone’s day better!
hi chat. :]
My mppc is glitching like CUHRAYZEE- sometimes i cant log in. I can see what u guys post but i sometimes cant get in (I jus got done logging in 6 times in a row. So, jus so yk! btw, happ birf, Shazz! :3 Shazz_
chat did you ever not remember the name of something famous
“yo. i want some of those spicy red strips with the zesty cheetah on it” - my friend, 2024
RE: anyone remember duncan?
tripod said in anyone remember duncan?:
Floorple Glip said in anyone remember duncan?:
glibusgloogloporb gleegupgloporbglooglowp glowpgleborpglorpgnabertglees gnabertgleborpglorpgnabert gleesgnarugloeepegloeepegloogleesglompgleeb gnabertgloo gleepglompglorpgloporb glarpgnarugnabert glibus glorpgnarpglompurtglompglomp glarpglompurtgloo
Dawg done said some very offensive slurs in alienese
just a lil reminder <3
your life isn’t a movie. Don’t end it.
your skin isn’t bread. don’t cut it.
you ARE worth it.
You matter.
I fucking love you.
Now go slay the day away
RE: This forum update really makes me feel at home....
RE: rate my Roblox avatar :)
𝜗𝜚 rylie why does it look like a slender avatar-
Latest posts made by You're my friend now
I like the taste and smell of blood-
RE: have aliens discovered this site
I take a nap and this bs is the first thing i see
ok wth.
My mom has been calling me ‘ugly sadistic and dumb’ for a while now. Wth did I do I haven’t been speaking much recently
Cuz my ego is SHATTEREDLike fr tho, idk what i’ve been doing she’s been threatening to slap or punch me- I’ve just been minding my business and when i ask her what did i do 'BITCH YK WHAT U DID SO STFU" ERM WHAT DID I DO? EXIST?