okay just trying to set the record straight
@busting_it_down_sexual_style i will beat up whoever calls u a girl >:]
I don't see how when quite literally we call you Duncan- [I don't mean this is a sexist way don't attack me]
@busting_it_down_sexual_style girl
spidermeow do it
Jah was fucking
teLling MY husband what MY pronouns are -
. . .Where the fuck is Jah.
This post is deleted! -
spider what’d you say-?
@busting_it_down_sexual_style you’re a girl
@Dreamy No I’m not, I’m genderfluid. Male most of the time. So kindly shut the fuck up.
@Dreamy no HE is not
@busting_it_down_sexual_style i was playing
notice how i replied to spiders comment saying they’d beat anybody up if they said you were a girl? u aint do this to menace tho. discrimination -
@Dreamy I don’t think it was a very good joke
And even if it was, put “/j” since i can’t hear your tone in whatever the fuck you’re saying and you’ve been known to say shitty things. -
@busting_it_down_sexual_style no